
Wk 3: Reusable grocery bags...and if ya forget them in the car, turn your butt around.

Whoa...look at me falling off the wagon on the blog. My apologies!

Week 1 and 2 goals are still going well. I missed one of my workouts and felt bad. However, I've worked three 14 hr days this past week...where I lift up to 80 lbs at a time, bend, squat, stand, quick walk...and I'm more sore than I know what to do with! So...I'm gonna go easy on myself I do believe. Still gonna make sure I step it up though!

Week 3: I'm helping the environment. This b.l.4.m.i. thing, it's not just about me...it's about a healthier and happier life...and that involves my environment. I'm using my reusable grocery bags. You may think that sounds super easy.However, I have had reusable grocery bags for about 5 years now....at the least...and I have used them maybe 5 times. Pretty pathetic.

I know that you are intelligent and I don't have to insult you with statistics on how long plastic grocery bags take to decompose or how we are killing future generations...so I will just skip ahead to the specifics.

So, they are loaded in my car. But really, how many times have you realized once you get in the store that you have left them outside...so you just use the plastic ones? For me, that has happened a lot! That's the stipulation of this goal...if I leave them in my car. I have to turn back around and go get them. No matter how far away I parked. No matter how many groceries are sitting in my cart waiting on me. No matter how much of a hurry I am in. Gotta do it.

This should be challenging.