
B.L.4.M.I. wk #2-LOOK GOOD NAKED (step 1)

This week... I decided to focus on my rockin bod.


Lack there of :)

The goal: Look good naked (step 1) by: exercising for at least 45 minutes a day for a minimum of three days a week.

I'm not going to make some ridiculous weight loss goal that I'll never meet. Because then I'll get depressed...and then I will feed my face. And then...well, you get the picture. Vicious circle.

What do I want? More energy. To be healthier. To be happier...and of course to look smokin hot naked.
Ideally, around 15 pounds...ish. But, I don't really want to put a number on it. It will take some hard core cardio and some eating habit changes. So lots more changes to come.

AS for goal #1...still going to have to keep plugging along on it. I'm making major strides..but am not 100%. Luckily I plan on keeping it up forever...so I will get there soon!

Update on life in general

My first week here has been ridiculously busy. I've started at the new restaurant. I'm not going to blog about it...for the sake of keeping my job, but I definitely have many more new goals to accomplish while at work...including speaking some Spanish...SOON :)

Settling in at home... starting to find my way around!

 I love my apartment. Still working on b.l.4.m.i. wk #1 goal of putting things in their proper spot...but I'm getting so close. I have the next 2 days off and plan on doing some things like unpacking the last 5 boxes, buying some new shelves, painting some new art for my walls, and getting my internet fixed...

Yes, gasp. I have survived without Internet. Thank you starbucks for allowing me to steal yours. You rock my socks off.

I have become crazy social. Except ...sometimes I'm not the best company. After a long work day, being smelly and tired...I start yawning a lot. I am going to have to increase the morning caffeine intake :) And then there's the whole smelling issue. I really must shower in between work and play. Yucky. Maybe a future goal...who knows?

Gotten to see several friends and have dates set up with many more coming up! I love you guys! :)

I have been getting down when I have too much time to think. Trying to maintain my positive outlook on life. Doing good for the most part...night time is hard. I will survive.

I am woman...ROAR.


WK #1: Everything has a home...so put it up!!

As a manager, I have been praised for my organization and planning skills. I'm "neat & orderly" and known s "the girl who gets things done".

Sorry...had to get that out now.

Anyone who knows me...or who recently helped me pack/move (emily, grant, ben, wade, ashley, christen,
josh) ...realizes that my stuff...sometimes gets everywhere.  On average, I work 55 hours a week...sometimes more, sometimes less (duh..that's what an average is). So, you would think I wouldn't be at home enough to make a mess. Right?

WRONG. I don't know if this happens at your house....but here's what I thought happened at mine. First, I blamed my lovey. But...once he moved back to the Midwest, I realized...it's still messy. Next, I was POSITIVE that it had to be some type of mythical creatures sneaking in to wreck my place. I mean really, why is there a beer bottle on my bathroom sink, a roll of toilet paper in the living room, and shoes and clothing everywhere??? I could not have made this mess.

Oh wait. Sure enough. I did.

So as I start the process of unpacking and settling into my new place, I am making sure that everything has a home. Is in it's place. IF it has no home, it is going to Goodwill.

By Sunday,everything will be in it's place. Every week from then on, it will be putting things BACK in their place when I'm done with them.

Baby steps, people; baby steps.

B.L.4.M.I. (I know...wth is that???)

Wait...before you try to figure this one out...you won't. So let me help.

It stands for:

As I was in my early grieving stages...post ending a 6 yr relationship and engagement stage...I started contemplating what I would do in the future. Quite frankly I was scared. Made me pretty bat-shit crazy. (not something I wanted to show the world). People want to know what's next. What is Tiffany Carter going to be with her life?

I had a list of things I wanted to start doing. After all...I'm Young. I'm Determined. and...I'm Amazing. But, it was so easy to get into a routine and forget about myself. When you are in love...or a career woman...or a care giver (mommas out there!)...or just a humble human...you forget yourself. You get so caught up in day -to-day that you forget the overall picture.

To be HAPPY and LIVE life.

I want a better me. Although this one is great, I'm not 100% happy. Will this BL4MI make me 100% happy? Hell to the no. But...it's a step.

For 20 weeks (which is exactly when my wedding would have been) I will be setting 1 goal each week. The subject can be anything. Home, work, health, fitness, sex, personal hygiene, social life, community, etc. Each week is a new ATTAINABLE goal. The point...to make it that week's focus and then continue it.

I work best with short term goals...I feel more accomplished.

I have some people who have heard about it and want to join in. I set a reward for myself (yaaaaay presents). A 10 week reward and a 20 week reward for myself (the big shabang).

So...that's BL4MI. I'm working on bettering my life. And I will be sharing all 20 weeks.
(and don't worry...they won't all be this long...for those that have trouble focusing on reading)

Hello. Has anyone told you that you're amazing today?

It's been awhile since I have written a blog. I decided it is time to start doing something I love again...writing. I picked up my pen to start journaling again...and I just couldn't recap 3 years worth of undocumented moments. So hello blogspot. I'm back.

Recently, I helped make a decision not to get married. Not to  marry the person I had decided was "the one". Broke off an engagement...broke two people's hearts. And quite frankly, got knocked on my booty. I'm not going to go into huge details...but I followed my gut and my brain. It's always directed me to wonderful outcomes. So, fingers crossed, that'll happen again.

People keep turning to me for advice on relationships. They've done this for as long as I can remember. Since before I was ever in a relationship...before I had even had my first kiss. I'm no rocket surgeon, but I do value that people trust me for this. I like to listen and ask the hard questions. It makes me happy to help someone laugh and get through the hard time, even if that means laughing at themselves. Yeah, that's right...I will make fun of you, but you won't hold it against me(hopefully!)I love helping people remember that they are strong.

Before you can be in love, you have to love yourself. And after you are in love...don't forget to love yourself.

Because YOU are AMAZING.
              And if you haven't heard that yet today, you're welcome...because believe it or not-you are!