
Hello. Has anyone told you that you're amazing today?

It's been awhile since I have written a blog. I decided it is time to start doing something I love again...writing. I picked up my pen to start journaling again...and I just couldn't recap 3 years worth of undocumented moments. So hello blogspot. I'm back.

Recently, I helped make a decision not to get married. Not to  marry the person I had decided was "the one". Broke off an engagement...broke two people's hearts. And quite frankly, got knocked on my booty. I'm not going to go into huge details...but I followed my gut and my brain. It's always directed me to wonderful outcomes. So, fingers crossed, that'll happen again.

People keep turning to me for advice on relationships. They've done this for as long as I can remember. Since before I was ever in a relationship...before I had even had my first kiss. I'm no rocket surgeon, but I do value that people trust me for this. I like to listen and ask the hard questions. It makes me happy to help someone laugh and get through the hard time, even if that means laughing at themselves. Yeah, that's right...I will make fun of you, but you won't hold it against me(hopefully!)I love helping people remember that they are strong.

Before you can be in love, you have to love yourself. And after you are in love...don't forget to love yourself.

Because YOU are AMAZING.
              And if you haven't heard that yet today, you're welcome...because believe it or not-you are!

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