
B.L.4.M.I. (I know...wth is that???)

Wait...before you try to figure this one out...you won't. So let me help.

It stands for:

As I was in my early grieving stages...post ending a 6 yr relationship and engagement stage...I started contemplating what I would do in the future. Quite frankly I was scared. Made me pretty bat-shit crazy. (not something I wanted to show the world). People want to know what's next. What is Tiffany Carter going to be with her life?

I had a list of things I wanted to start doing. After all...I'm Young. I'm Determined. and...I'm Amazing. But, it was so easy to get into a routine and forget about myself. When you are in love...or a career woman...or a care giver (mommas out there!)...or just a humble human...you forget yourself. You get so caught up in day -to-day that you forget the overall picture.

To be HAPPY and LIVE life.

I want a better me. Although this one is great, I'm not 100% happy. Will this BL4MI make me 100% happy? Hell to the no. But...it's a step.

For 20 weeks (which is exactly when my wedding would have been) I will be setting 1 goal each week. The subject can be anything. Home, work, health, fitness, sex, personal hygiene, social life, community, etc. Each week is a new ATTAINABLE goal. The point...to make it that week's focus and then continue it.

I work best with short term goals...I feel more accomplished.

I have some people who have heard about it and want to join in. I set a reward for myself (yaaaaay presents). A 10 week reward and a 20 week reward for myself (the big shabang).

So...that's BL4MI. I'm working on bettering my life. And I will be sharing all 20 weeks.
(and don't worry...they won't all be this long...for those that have trouble focusing on reading)

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